WordPress accelerated
Turbocharge your site with our global cloud platform, advanced caching and automatic image optimisation.
Global edge network
Cache your site in 300+ datacenters worldwide for fast load times anywhere.
Image optimization
Images are compressed and converted on-the-fly with no plugin needed.
Database caching
Database queries are cached in-memory using Redis and the Object Cache Pro plugin.
PHP caching
Frequent database queries are accelerated even further by being stored in PHP’s memory.
powerful servers
Our platform is built on servers using the latest and fastest processors and NVMe storage.
cloudflare Enterprise
Your site is served by world’s fastest network powered by Cloudflare Enterprise.
Fast web server
We use Nginx including their FastCGI cache, the best web server available for WordPress.
speed: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here you can find the answers to questions frequently asked about the performance of our WordPress hosting platform. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
By using Cloudflare Enterprise’s global edge network, your site will be copied to 300+ locations around the world. All these locations serve an optimized and cached version of your site. This will make your site load ultra fast anywhere in the world.
Yes! The caching system detects when a product is added to the shopping cart. It will then bypass the full-page cache, and only cache static elements like images, CSS and JS.
Yes! Our platform is compatible with any caching plugin, including WP Rocket.
Our image optimization is based on Cloudflare’s Polish feature, which creates an optimized, smaller and faster version of each image on your site on-the-fly, including converting images to the efficient WebP format.
This optimized version will then be served to your visitors by Cloudflare’s global edge network.
Yes! Redis caching is included free of charge in all plans. Redis acts as an in-memory cache for database queries, making pages that rely on MySQL queries load a lot faster.
But there is more: we even include the powerful Object Cache Pro plugin for free in all plans (value: $79 per month). This plugin improves the reliability and performance of the communication with the Redis cache.
Our PHP caching is based on PHP Relay. It stores all frequent database queries in PHP’s memory, enabling your WordPress site to access that data super fast without the need to talk to Redis or the database.
PHP Relay is included for free in all plans, which represents a value of $147 per month.